Donation 捐贈

Support ACC’s Ministry Financially

To financially support our ministry, please write your check payable to “Agape Community Center” and mail it to
如你希望以金錢支持愛加倍中心,請你寫支票抬頭 “Agape Community Center” 和郵寄到以下地址

Agape Community Center
378 18th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94121

You can also use our “Give Now” donation button at our website menu to donate digitally.
你也可以使用在網站右上角的 “捐款” 按鈕在網上進行捐款。


Support ACC’s Ministry Via AmazonSmile
通過 AmazonSmile 支持愛加倍社區中心


You can use this link to choose ACC as the nonprofit organization that you want to support. 你可以通過此鏈接來選擇愛加倍社區中心為你希望支持的機構


Tutorial on Adding ACC on AmazonSmile
以下是如何選擇AmazonSmile 上選擇愛加倍中心的教學