After School Tutorial Program 課後補習班 (目前暫停)

 We are not offering After School Tutorial Program so far, will resume in the future.
課後補習班  目前暫停

ACC After School Online Tutorial Program aims to provide homework help, enrichment in academics (English & Math) and Chinese, and an opportunity to explore special interests for 1st – 8th Graders. Students will also learn Bible stories. Classes are an hour with 2 – 4 (2 – 5 for Chinese) students per class.

愛加倍網上課後補習班為1 – 8 年級學生提供課後功課補習,增益課程(英語,數學,和中文),和各式各樣的興趣班。學生還會學習聖經故事。課程時長1 小時。每班有2 – 4 個學生(中文有2 – 5 個學生)。