Agapeland 2025 Summer Program – 2025愛加倍園暑期班

Weary parents, look no further! Agapeland is a comprehensive six-week program for K-8th graders. Students will thrive in group activities and fun outings as they learn about cultural appreciation, environmental care, fitness, and more. Our lively staff ensure your child’s summer will be filled with joy—all in one place! 忙碌的職場父母們,不用再為孩童的暑期安排煩惱了!為期6週的愛加倍暑期園是最合適的暑期項目。專為舊金山地區幼稚園至8年級的孩子們設計。 在這裡,孩子們將從各種有趣的團體活動中,對文化的欣賞,環境維護,鍛鍊體魄等得到有意義的體會和學習。

Returning parents and guardians: the format of Agapeland will no longer include rigorous academic classes in the morning and Chinese classes in the afternoon. Instead, we have a socially and physically engaging summer program prepared for your kids! Valuable academic lessons and bible stories will be incorporated when appropriate. 提醒返回就讀的學生家長們:我們在詳細檢討以往的課程之後,決定不再提供過量的科目課程學習及中文班,取而代之的是:對社交,情緒,健康有益的活動。但是,對學業有益的學習和聖經故事將會適時安排在課程中。


Statement of Purpose 宗旨

To provide an enriching environment in which students are engaged in learning and preparing for the grade they will be entering in the fall.  Students will develop and cultivate morals based on Christian values.




Program Options 項目費用DatesPrice
Session 1 ONLY 只參加第一期June 23-July 11$850/child
Session 2 ONLY 只參加第二期July 14-August 1$850/child
Sessions 1 & 2 兩期都參加June 23-August 1$1650/child

Note: Each session lasts three weeks. Sessions 1 and 2 have different programs and field-trip locations. 第一期與第二期不同內容

Sibling Discount: When more than one student from the same family is enrolled in the program, each additional sibling is eligible for a 10% tuition discount. 親兄弟姊妹一同報名,第二位以上享有學費九折優惠

Independence Day will be observed on July 4, 2025 七月四日國慶日放假一天

Extended Care Options
AM Care 課前班活動 8am-9amSessionPrice
Session 1 ONLY 只參加第一期$157/child
Session 2 ONLY 只參加第二期$157/child
Sessions 1 & 2 兩期都參加$314/child
PM Care 課後班活動 3pm-6pm
Session 1 ONLY 只參加第一期$323/child
Session 2 ONLY 只參加第二期$323/child
Sessions 1 & 2 兩期都參加$646/child
Lunch Program Options 午餐(可自帶)Price
Session 1 Lunch 第一期午餐$150/child
Session 2 Lunch 第二期午餐$150/child
Sessions 1 & 2 Lunch 兩期午餐$300/child

If not enrolled in Agapeland’s lunch program, student must bring their own lunch. 如果您的孩子不買午餐, 請自行帶午餐


2025 Student Application Form 

Please fill out the online application form OR download and mail in a printed application form.

New applicants will be contacted to schedule a brief interview.申請後將安排新生面試

Payment method: By check only. Please make check payable to “ACC” 付款方式:只收支票,支票抬頭請寫 “ACC”

Tuition payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. 所有學費概不退還或轉讓

Please send check and printed application to 請將申請表及支票寄至: Agapeland Summer Program 378 18th Ave. San Francisco, CA 94121

Registration Deadline 報名截止日期:May 1, 2025 (2025年5月1日)


Program Schedule 課程時間表

Time 時間Activities 活動
8:00 am – 9:00 am (Optional) 

AM Extended Care (additional cost) 課前班(選修,需額外付費)

9:00 am -12:00 pmProject-based learning 專題式學習
Field trips 校外教學
Bible stories 聖經故事
Sports and fitness 運動與健身
Playground time 戶外活動
12:00 pm – 1:00 pmLunch  午餐
1:00 pm – 3:00 pmGroup lessons (activities TBD)
3:00 pm – 3:20 pmPick-up time 放學
3:00pm – 5:30 pm (Optional) PM Extended Care (additional cost)
Activities: arts & crafts, cooking, physical activities, movies and more.
5:30 pm – 6:00 pmPick-up time 放學


Frequently Asked Questions 常見疑問

  •  What should my child(ren) expect?

We primarily focus on social and physical enrichment through the mediums of project-based learning, group games, arts and crafts, field trips, and team-building activities. We also incorporate some academic lessons and biblical principles when appropriate.

  • How soon will my application be processed?

All applications will be processed in the order received, no later than two weeks after your submission.

  • Can my child enroll part-time?

Due to limited available space, partial enrollment will not be accepted.

  • When is tuition payment due?

Tuition payment is due within 2 weeks of application acceptance, and before May 1, 2025. Enrollment is not guaranteed until tuition payment is received. Please make check payable to “ACC”

  •  Will I receive a bill in the mail?

No, we will only send you an e-mail notification with instructions for new and returning students. An application and tuition payment must be completed and sent to ACC for confirmed enrollment. 

  • Can I get a refund for tuition payment if my child decides not to attend?

All payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. Please do not send in the tuition if you are not sure of your child’s summer attendance.

  • Do you still offer Chinese classes?

No, we no longer offer Chinese classes for students.

  • What does the program tuition include?

Agapeland t-shirt, field-trips, and materials for projects as well as arts and crafts.

  • When should I expect an information packet?

An information packet will be mailed to the student’s home address a week before the program begins.

  • Is Agapeland Summer Program a childcare program and tax-deductible?

No, Agapeland is neither a childcare program nor tax-deductible.

  • Can Agapeland Summer Program accommodate students with special needs?

Unfortunately, our summer program does not have the capacity to accommodate students with special needs at this time.

  •  What are the health policies for the program?

All students must comply with San Francisco City and County and Agapeland Summer Program health policies.